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Cavity Wall Survey

A cavity wall survey is a comprehensive inspection of the wall cavity and its ties.

Cavity walls were introduced to prevent penetrating damp. The gap between the external and internal walls allows any absorbed water to drain down the cavity instead of passing into the internal wall. Since the early 1970s, cavity wall insulation has become a popular way of improving a property's insulation. In the 1990s, the UK building regulations made cavity wall insulation compulsory for new builds.

Improper installation of cavity wall insulation can cause damp problems by removing the protective air gap and allowing water to pass from external to internal walls. This is a common issue in many UK properties, leading to penetrating damp due to saturated or slumped insulation.

Cavity wall ties connect two wall skins in cavity wall construction. Older properties are at a higher risk of deterioration as they were not galvanised. When ties become damp, they rot and break, reducing the structural stability of the elevation and causing cracks, bulging walls, and loose bricks.

If you notice signs of penetrating damp or have concerns about the condition of a wall in your home, it's important to get a cavity wall survey and report done to identify the cause. We use an endoscopic camera to inspect the cavity wall insulation, survey the cavity for silt and debris, and check the condition of the wall ties. Once we've completed the investigation and survey, we will provide you with a comprehensive report that explains the findings and provides recommendations.

Contact Richard to discuss your particular requirements.

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